ES3D::GluSubsetx Member List

This is the complete list of members for ES3D::GluSubsetx, including all inherited members.

lookAtx(FixedPointx eyeX, FixedPointx eyeY, FixedPointx eyeZ, FixedPointx centerX, FixedPointx centerY, FixedPointx centerZ, FixedPointx upX, FixedPointx upY, FixedPointx upZ)ES3D::GluSubsetx [static]
perspectivex(FixedPointx fovy, FixedPointx aspect, FixedPointx zNear, FixedPointx zFar)ES3D::GluSubsetx [static]

Generated on Sat May 10 16:30:55 2008 for ES 3D Game SDK Documentation by  doxygen 1.4.7