ES3D::Camerax Class Reference

#include <Camerax.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Camerax ()
virtual ~Camerax ()
GLvoid getPositionx (FixedPointx pos[3])
GLvoid getRotationx (FixedPointx rot[3])
GLvoid setPositionx (FixedPointx x, FixedPointx y, FixedPointx z)
GLvoid setRotationx (FixedPointx anglex, FixedPointx angley, FixedPointx anglez)
GLvoid lookAtx (FixedPointx centerx, FixedPointx centery, FixedPointx centerz, FixedPointx anglez)
GLvoid activatex (GLvoid)

Detailed Description

Camera with basic features.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ES3D::Camerax::Camerax (  ) 


ES3D::Camerax::~Camerax (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

GLvoid ES3D::Camerax::activatex ( GLvoid   ) 

Activates this camera. Has to be called before any rendering.

GLvoid ES3D::Camerax::getPositionx ( FixedPointx  pos[3]  ) 

Retrives the current position of this camera.

pos the array to store the current position

GLvoid ES3D::Camerax::getRotationx ( FixedPointx  rot[3]  ) 

Retrives the current rotation of this camera.

rot the array to store the current rotation

GLvoid ES3D::Camerax::lookAtx ( FixedPointx  centerx,
FixedPointx  centery,
FixedPointx  centerz,
FixedPointx  anglez 

Rotates the camera to look at the center from the current position.

centerx x coordiante of the point to look at
centery y coordiante of the point to look at
centerz z coordiante of the point to look at
anglez z rotation of the camers

GLvoid ES3D::Camerax::setPositionx ( FixedPointx  x,
FixedPointx  y,
FixedPointx  z 

Sets the position of the camera.

x the x coordiante
y the y coordiante
z the z coordiante

GLvoid ES3D::Camerax::setRotationx ( FixedPointx  anglex,
FixedPointx  angley,
FixedPointx  anglez 

Sets the position of the camera.

anglex the x angle
angley the y angle
anglez the z angle

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