ES3D::VectorMathx Class Reference

#include <VectorMathx.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static FixedPointx amountx (const FixedPointx vector[3])
static GLvoid normalizex (FixedPointx vector[3])
static GLvoid multiplyx (FixedPointx vector[3], FixedPointx s)
static GLvoid addx (FixedPointx result[3], const FixedPointx vector0[3], const FixedPointx vector1[3])
static GLvoid subx (FixedPointx result[3], const FixedPointx vector0[3], const FixedPointx vector1[3])
static GLvoid copyx (FixedPointx copy[3], const FixedPointx vector[3])
static FixedPointx dotProductx (const FixedPointx vector0[3], const FixedPointx vector1[3])
static GLvoid crossProductx (FixedPointx result[3], const FixedPointx vector0[3], const FixedPointx vector1[3])
static GLvoid multMatrixVectorx (FixedPointx result[3], const FixedPointx matrix[16], const FixedPointx vector[3], const FixedPointx w=(FixedPointx) PLUS_1x)
static GLvoid multMatrixScalarx (FixedPointx result[16], const FixedPointx matrix[16], FixedPointx scalar)
static GLvoid loadIdentityx (FixedPointx matrix[16])
static GLvoid addMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], const FixedPointx matrix0[16], const FixedPointx matrix1[16])
static GLvoid subMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], const FixedPointx matrix0[16], const FixedPointx matrix1[16])
static GLvoid multMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], const FixedPointx matrix0[16], const FixedPointx matrix1[16])
static GLvoid translateMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], FixedPointx x, FixedPointx y, FixedPointx z)
static GLvoid scaleMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], FixedPointx x, FixedPointx y, FixedPointx z)
static GLvoid rotateRzRyRxMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], FixedPointx anglex, FixedPointx angley, FixedPointx anglez)
static GLvoid transposeMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], const FixedPointx matrix[16])
static GLboolean inverseMatrixx (FixedPointx result[16], const FixedPointx matrix[16])

Detailed Description

Class which supports the basic vector math operations.

Member Function Documentation

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::addMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix0[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix1[16] 
) [inline, static]

Adds a matrix to another matrix.

result the resulting matrix
matrix0 the first matrix
matrix1 the second matrix

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::addx ( FixedPointx  result[3],
const FixedPointx  vector0[3],
const FixedPointx  vector1[3] 
) [inline, static]

Adds two vectors.

result the result
vector0 the first vector
vector1 the second vector

static FixedPointx ES3D::VectorMathx::amountx ( const FixedPointx  vector[3]  )  [inline, static]

Calculates the amount of a vector.

vector the vector
the amount

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::copyx ( FixedPointx  copy[3],
const FixedPointx  vector[3] 
) [inline, static]

Copys a vector

copy the copy
vector the source vector

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::crossProductx ( FixedPointx  result[3],
const FixedPointx  vector0[3],
const FixedPointx  vector1[3] 
) [inline, static]

Calculates the cross product of two vectors. result = vector0 x vector1

result the resulting vector
vector0 the first vector
vector1 the second vector

static FixedPointx ES3D::VectorMathx::dotProductx ( const FixedPointx  vector0[3],
const FixedPointx  vector1[3] 
) [inline, static]

Calculates the dot product of two vectors.

vector0 the frist vector
vector1 the second vector
the result, the dot product

static GLboolean ES3D::VectorMathx::inverseMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix[16] 
) [inline, static]

Calculates the invers of a matrix.

result the resulting matrix
matrix the source matrix
true, if a inverse matrix could be found

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::loadIdentityx ( FixedPointx  matrix[16]  )  [inline, static]

Loads the identity matrix.

matrix the matrix where to load in the identity.

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::multiplyx ( FixedPointx  vector[3],
FixedPointx  s 
) [inline, static]

Multiplies a vector by a scalar.

vector the vector to be multiplied
s the scalar

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::multMatrixScalarx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix[16],
FixedPointx  scalar 
) [inline, static]

Multiplies a matrix with a scalar.

result the reulting matrix
matrix the source matrix
scalar the scalar to multiply with

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::multMatrixVectorx ( FixedPointx  result[3],
const FixedPointx  matrix[16],
const FixedPointx  vector[3],
const FixedPointx  w = (FixedPointx)PLUS_1x 
) [inline, static]

Multiplies a vector with the given matrix.

result the resulting vector
matrix the matrix to multiply with
vector the source vector
w homogenous coordiante, when needed

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::multMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix0[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix1[16] 
) [inline, static]

Multiplies a matrix with another. result = matrix0 * matrix1

result the resulting matrix
matrix0 the first matrix
matrix1 the second matrix

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::normalizex ( FixedPointx  vector[3]  )  [inline, static]

Normalizes a vector.

vector the vector to normalize

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::rotateRzRyRxMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
FixedPointx  anglex,
FixedPointx  angley,
FixedPointx  anglez 
) [inline, static]

Rotates a matrix around the x, y and z axis.

result the resulting matrix.
anglex the x angle
angley the y angle
anglez the z angle

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::scaleMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
FixedPointx  x,
FixedPointx  y,
FixedPointx  z 
) [inline, static]

Scaling matrix.

result the resulting matrix
x the x scaling factor
y the y scaling factor
z the z scaling factor

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::subMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix0[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix1[16] 
) [inline, static]

Subtracts a matrix from another matrix.

result the resulting matrix
matrix0 the first matrix
matrix1 the second matrix

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::subx ( FixedPointx  result[3],
const FixedPointx  vector0[3],
const FixedPointx  vector1[3] 
) [inline, static]

Subtracts two vectors: vector0 - vector1

result the result
vector0 the first vector
vector1 the second vector

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::translateMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
FixedPointx  x,
FixedPointx  y,
FixedPointx  z 
) [inline, static]

Translates a matrix.

result the resulting matrix
x the x coordinate.
y the y coordinate.
z the z coordinate.

static GLvoid ES3D::VectorMathx::transposeMatrixx ( FixedPointx  result[16],
const FixedPointx  matrix[16] 
) [inline, static]

Transposes a matrix.

result the resulting matrix
matrix the source matrix

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